Revised Thermal Performance Values 8300 PDH

March 26, 2021

To Our Valued Customers,

Paradigm Window Solutions is pleased to announce that we now have improved thermal performance values available for our 8300 Premium Double Hung window. These values have been certified and are available for review in the NFRC Certified Products Directory:

Of particular note are the following options, which now achieve a U-factor of 0.27, qualifying them for Energy Star® compliance in the Northern Zone, regardless of SHGC.

Paradigm is in the process of updating our quoting, ordering, and labeling systems to reflect these values, but be assured that the values shown here, and recorded in the Certified Products Directory are current and accurate.

If you have any questions or need clarification on any part of this communication, please contact your Paradigm Representative.

Thank you for your continued business,

Dan Eelman 

Engineering Manager